Yap - Esempio 6

Build filter form by code

This example highlights the code required to make and manage the filter form by code and not by parameters (since CYap 2.1.0).

First, I create the CYAP object as usual.

$p=new CYap(array(), array(), $db_info$Show_info, array());

Then I get the reference to the form object.

// Get the filter object

First statement, I want the field disposed on two columns. If I don't set anythink the default one column will be used.

// Form Layout: 2 column layout

Now it's time to add our first text box. And configure it

// Add range of text input object;
// Create the field. The index are the same as $SearchFieldCfg
$f1=new CYap_clsSearchRangeTxt(array(
// Textbox label
'description' => 'Event Date',
// DataBase field where look for the typed string
'fieldname'   => 'DEvent',
// A=alphabetic, N=Numeric
'type'        => 'A',
// Field size. Used to set the textbox size
'size'        => 14,
/* use regex to match the field
                             * contents against the requested
                             * string. 1=yes, 0=no */
'useregex'   => ),'TxtRange');
// Add the field to the filter form

The second input text.

// Second input. You may setup the parameters later
$f2=new CYap_clsSearchRegexOpt(array(),'TxtRegex');
// Parameters setup. You may set one paramneter on each call..
$f2->LoadCFg(array('description' => 'Event Date'));
// ... or many paramters with one call
$f2->LoadCFg(array('fieldname'   => 'DEvent',
// A=alphabetic, N=Numeric
'type'        => 'A',
'size'        => 14,
'useregex'   => ));
// Add the field to the filter form

Third and last input box.

//third... select input type
$f3=new CYap_clsSearchSelectBox(array( // Label
'description' => 'Error Code',
// DataBase field where look for the typed string
'fieldname'   => 'errno',
// A=alphabetic, N=Numeric
'type'        => 'N'),'SelectBox');
// Now add the available options to choose from
$f3->AddOption'OK (0)','0');
$f3->AddOption'Err 512','512');
$f3->AddOption'Err 1024','1024');
// ALL rows option
$f3->AddOption'No selection','NOFILTER');
// Add the field to the filter form

Finally show the result.

// Finally show the table

Click here to download the complete example.