PcInventory - Documention


These functions allow you to update the inventory data from cvs files.

The form allows you to customize the cvs format. You may select which fields include into the file, and in which order.

The form may save the current configuration (button save configuration ) and call it later (button load configuration ).

The CSV function requires a key to use to identify the data to update (even if you are inserting new rows, the script needs to know that they don't exist). The field selected as key, must be present into csv file.

The 'Update method' box allows to select how to update the tables:

Update current data

The script looks for the device through the key fields. If find it, the script replace the selected field with new data only into general information table and hardware information table. On the other table it appends the new records.
If the device does not exists, the script add it.

Remove old device data

Before the script loads the new data, it wipes out any information about that device.

The script came into two version Devices update and table update. The first one allows inserting complete information about devices. The second script focus mainly on update one table

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