
<!ELEMENT group (row*,counter*)><br> <!ATTLIST group key CDATA #REQUIRED><br> <!ATTLIST group level CDATA #REQUIRED><br> <!ATTLIST group name CDATA #REQUIRED><br>

Set the grouping level








Variable to watch. This variable may be a field from tha datasource (database or array) or any other defined variable. Notice: the check for the value will be executed after the new row is read and before to print the body. So if you change the key value from your custom function during the body parsing, the new value will be ignored until the new row will be loaded.


Set the nested group level. The outer group has level 1, the inner has the highter level. There is no limit to the nested group.


Group name. The module don't allow two or more group with the same name.



You may use this tag when you need print something when one or more field change its value. You may choose to print this text before, after or both the table rows.

The tag group sets the group and the text to print before the table rows, endgroup set the text to print after the table.

Inside the group you may also set the 'group' counter . This particular counter will be set to zero each time the kay field change its value.

The following example shows how to summarize 3 columns when the field 'cedente' change its value.

Cedente: {$Cedente} - {$ragione}

Pezzi Teorico Totale

{$pzEuro} {$TEuro} {$TotEuro} {sbilancio($TEuro,$TotEuro)}

{$CedTotAss} {$CedTotTeorico} {$CedTotTotale}