Built-in functions

SpoolTemplate has many built-in function to perform some math and string operation.

Many of these are an interface to the same Php's functions.

abs($number) Returns the absolute value of number.
acos($number) Returns the arc cosine of number.
asin($number) Returns the arc sine of number.
atan($number) Returns the arc tangent of number.
ceil($number) Returns the integer value by rounding up number.
cos($number) Returns the cosine of the number.
date($format, $timestamp) Returns a date formatted according to the format string. You may find more information about the format string on the PHP manual at command date page.
date_format($InputFormat, $OutputFormat, $date) Convert the input date from the input format string to the output format string. The input format recognizes only the keywords d (day, 2 digits), h (hour 00-12), H (hour 00-24), i (minute 2 digits), m (month 2 digits), s (second 2 digits), y (year 2 digits), and Y (year 4 digits). The output format recognizes all keyword accepted by date's format string (see PHP manual)
exp($number) Returns e raised to the power of number.
floor($number) Returns the integer value by rounding down number.
log($number) Returns the natural logarithm of numebr.
log10($number) Returns the base-10 logarithm of number.
number_format($number, $decimal=0, $dec_point='.', $thousands_sep=',') Returns a formatted version of number. See number_format on PHP manual.
round($number) Returns the rounded value of number.
sin($number) Returns the sine of number.
strtolower($text) Returns the string converted to lowercase.
strtoupper($text) Returns the string converted to uppercase.
sqrt($number) Returns the square root of number.
tan($number) Returns the tangent of number.