
Details about Pagemanagers

The PageManager is the class the manage the output towards the output device.

Sptpl comes with 4 PageManager classes:

  • CPageManager - the base page manager class, and the class who write into spool file
  • CPagePrinter - the PageManager who prints to system's printer through the class APrinter (only Windows box)
  • CPagePdf - the PageManager who allows Sptpl to made PDF files through the R&OS Pdf Creation class
  • CPagePs - the PageManager who allows Sptpl to made PostScriptPDF files through php_ps extension
  • You must specify at the begin of the template file which pagemanager you want to use. If you omit it, SpoolTemplate will use CPageManager and will make the spool file.

    The tag pagemanager allows you to select the pagamanager to use.




    CPagePrinter and CPagePdf requires additional module that are not released with sptpl, you must download them in order to use those pagamenager.

    CPagePrinter requires my class Aprint. You may download it here

    CPagePdf requires the R&OS Pdf Creation class, see the R&OS website

    Here you may get some information about how to install the required packages.