Details about measure unit

Many tags (e.g. row, margin) require you to enter some numeric measure (e.g. margins dimensions, how many row to skip,...). These values have different unit system depending on which pagemanager you choose.

When you say:

   <column  leftpos='5' Width='20' align='center' />

the width='20' has different meaning depending on the pagemanager.

  • The class CPageManager reads: a column large 20 characters
  • The class CPagePrinter reads: a column large 20 twips
  • The class CPagePdf reads: a column large 20 twips
  • Again, the following code:

      <row VPos='Relative' RowPos='+2'>

    it means:

  • The class CPageManager reads: 2 rows after the last one
  • The class CPagePrinter reads: 2 twips after the last row
  • The class CPagePdf reads: 2 twips after the last row