Basic Example

Here I'll show you an simple example holding many basic features

First we write the PHP script

//define two custon function, the first
//returns a simple text
//the second one get one parameter
// and returns it.

function foo()
return("text from foo");

function foop($text)
return("my parameter:".$text);

$t=new sptpl();
//Load the configuration file
//Here the example how to set an array
$bar['foo']='Index foo';

Second step, write the configuration file test1.xml

<?xml version='1.0' ?> <template>

<!-- Define the const1 with value 1
and const2 with value 2 -->
 <constant name='const1' value = '1'/>
 <constant name='const2' value = '2'/>
<!-- Set the welcome message -->

My second test
<!-- The open page will be printed on the top of all page -->
Page header.
<!-- In the following row I print the contents of the variable $name and $MyName that was set by the PHP script -->
  <row id='pippo'>
Hello {$name}, my name is {$MyName}
<!-- The following row shows how print the array contents-->
  <row id='second'>
I'm the index 'bar' of foo {$bar['foo']}
<!-- Now we get the text to print from the custom function
foo or foop-->
Output from the function foo: {foo()}

Function with one parameter: {foop('hello world')}
<!-- Row position. We print the following row two row after the last printed one -->
  <row VPos='Relative' RowPos='+2'>
2 row after 'Function with one parameter'
<!-- We are able to move back. We print the following row two row before the last printed one -->
  <row VPos='Relative' RowPos='-2'>
Before the last one
<!-- The following text will be printed at row 20 -->
  <row VPos='absolute' RowPos='20'>
At line 20
<!-- Change page, the text will be the first on the new page -->
  <row VPos='NewPage'>
New page, First Line!!!
<!-- Another method to change page. Note, the module changes the page automatically when it reach the page end. This tag allow you to force the new page -->
  <row>Another page</row>

  <row vpos='absolute' rowpos='5'/>

Page end
End!That's all folk!

