Database example

Database example

This example is the same as the example number 4, but it uses a custom function to retrieve the data from the database.

The PHP script

* Test 28, tests the values returned from the custom function

* Custom function.
* The function is called many as many rows it returns.
* It returns FALSE to say 'no more rows'.
* The function returns an associative array indexed by the name of the fields
function GetData()

// require_once('../sptpl_db.php');
// require_once('../sptpl_db_mysql.php');

$t=new sptpl();
$t->SetVar("RepTitle","Product sold from DB");
* Open the connection to the database and executes the query.
* Note: the result handler must be global to allow the function to access to it
$result=mysql_query("select Year, period, ProdA as pA, ProdB as pB  from test1 order by Year, period");
* built the report

Second step, write the configuration file test8.xml

encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>



  <row vpos='relative' rowpos='2'>
  Product sold over two year

  <block id='Sold'>
    <!-- retrieve data from my function GetData -->

   <counter name='TotalA' field='$pA' />
   <counter name='TotalB' field='$pB' />
   <counter name='NoItems' autoincrement='y' />

   <group key='Year' level='1' name='YearGrouping'>
      <row vpos='relative' rowpos='2'>Year: {$Year}</row>
      <row  />
      <counter name='TotalYearA' field='$pA' />
      <counter name='TotalYearB' field='$pB' />
      <counter name='NoRows' autoincrement='y' />
Period   ProdA     ProdB
    <row>  {$period}        {$pA}        {$pB}</row>
   <endgroup name='YearGrouping'>
Total     {$TotalYearA}        {$TotalYearB}
N.Rows:   {$NoRows}

  <row vpos='relative' rowpos='2' />
Product A sold: {$TotalA}
Product B sold: {$TotalB}
Total Items:    {$NoItems}
  <closepage align='right'>
   Sales Dep. - 08/08/2003


And this is the output from the previous code

Product sold from DB

Product sold over two year

Year: 2002

Period ProdA   ProdB
  Q1      10       5
  Q2      52      30
  Q3       7      12
  Q4      20      15
Total     89      62
N.Rows: 4

Year: 2003

Period ProdA   ProdB
  Q1      15      12
  Q2      26       8
Total     41      20
N.Rows: 2

Product A sold: 130
Product B sold: 82
Total Items: 6

Sales Dep. - 08/08/2003