Quick start

Here I'll show you an simple example how to build your first report.

First we write the PHP script

// The required inclusion
// The class istance
$t=new sptpl();
// Load and parse the template file
// Set some fields that will be used
$bar['foo']='Index foo';
// Build the spool file

Second step, write the configuration file test1.xml

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<!-- The opening tag -->
<!-- Start the report definition -->
    <!-- Set some text to print as the first row for
    this report -->
    <beginreport>Hi My First Test
    <!-- Set the body if our test, one row with
    Hello world. Notice, the field $name was
    declared from the PHP script -->
    <row id='pippo'>
Hello world, my name is {$name}
    <!-- And ending the report-->
End!That's all folk!
