First report

First report

Here I'll show you an simple example how to build a complete report.

The PHP script

* test 3: first complete example.
* It show how to build a report about the product sold over two year

function foo()
return("text from foo");

function foop($text)
return("my parameter:".$text);


$t=new sptpl();
//The array ProdArray contains the data that the report will print
$ProdArray=array( array('year' => '2002',
                        'period' => 'Q1',
                        'prodA' => 10,
                        'prodB' => 5),
                  array('year' => '2002',
                        'period' => 'Q2',
                        'prodA' => 20,
                        'prodB' => 9),
                  array('year' => '2002',
                        'period' => 'Q3',
                        'prodA' => 30,
                        'prodB' => 3),
                  array('year' => '2002',
                        'period' => 'Q4',
                        'prodA' => 14,
                        'prodB' => 5),
                  array('year' => '2003',
                        'period' => 'Q1',
                        'prodA' => 12,
                        'prodB' => 9),
                  array('year' => '2003',
                        'period' => 'Q2',
                        'prodA' => 27,
                        'prodB' => 8),
// The array must be global
$t->SetVar("RepTitle","Product sold");

Second step, write the configuration file test3.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>

   <row vpos='relative' rowpos='2'>
Product sold over two year
  <block id='Sold'>

    <!-- Here I set to use the array ProdArray filled by the
    Php script-->

   <!-- Set the block counter. The first and the second one
   count the product sold over two year. At the end
   of the block, when all rows returned by the query
   below are retrieved, I'll write the total product
   sold -->
   <counter name='TotalA' field='$pA' />
   <counter name='TotalB' field='$pB' />
   <counter name='NoItems' autoincrement='y' />

   <!-- I want one table for each year, so I use
   the year as grouping key -->
   <group key='Year' level='1' name='YearGrouping'>
    <row vpos='relative' rowpos='2'>Year: {$Year}</row>
    <row />

    <!-- Counter for the year. In this way
    I known how many product is sold during
    each year -->
    <counter name='TotalYearA' field='$pA' />
    <counter name='TotalYearB' field='$pB' />
    <counter name='NoRows' autoincrement='y' />
Period ProdA ProdB
    <row> {$period} {$pA} {$pB}</row>

    <!-- When all row for the current year are
    printed, close the table and print the counters
    set for the block -->
   <endgroup name='YearGrouping'>
Total {$TotalYearA} {$TotalYearB}
N.Rows: {$NoRows}

   <!-- At the end print the total product sold
   during the two years
  <row vpos='relative' rowpos='2' />
Product A sold: {$TotalA}
Product B sold: {$TotalB}
Total Items: {$NoItems}
Sales Dep. - 08/08/2003


And this is the output from the previous code

Product sold from DB

Product sold over two year

Year: 2002

Period ProdA   ProdB
  Q1      10       5
  Q2      52      30
  Q3       7      12
  Q4      20      15
Total     89      62
N.Rows: 4

Year: 2003

Period ProdA   ProdB
  Q1      15      12
  Q2      26       8
Total     41      20
N.Rows: 2

Product A sold: 130
Product B sold: 82
Total Items: 6

Sales Dep. - 08/08/2003